Corporate brands are increasingly critical strategic asset for companies.
The study The health of Branding in Spain is a reflection of the current state of branding, its purpose is to have a tool to provide regular information on the state of the practice of branding in business management. The results are intended to be useful to directors and policy managers in brand management, as well as help provide additional strength to the practice of branding in Spain.
“The study highlights the growing importance of corporate brand strategy company, being a guarantee for the products and services of its strategic vision expression and instrument of dealing with internal and external stakeholders. However, this importance is not reflected in economic and organizational resources and integration with business strategy” says Conrad Llorens, AEbrand president.
Some data:
- 63% of Spanish companies recognize that corporate brand management is a key factor for internationalization.
- 71% that this section is important for achieving the company objectives and involves the steering committee in their management (57%), still addresses a largely approach tactical and still little strategic.
- More than half of those surveyed for the report acknowledges having fairly or very defined culture brand, and have been built based on its corporate values (44%), organizational culture (32%) and history of the company (30%). They did also considering multiple audiences, but giving priority to customers (91%) and final consumers (76%).
For the preparation of the report were consulted about 200 Spanish companies and has been performed by AEBRAND (Spanish Association of Branding Companies) in collaboration with ESADE Brand Institute.
View full report “La salud del Branding en España”
Presentation studio: ESADE press release