Dra. Elena Ruiz Domingo Identity

Dra. Elena Ruiz Domingo Identity

Elena Ruiz Domingo is a gynecologist doctor who loves to communicate, she regularly participates in congress, press conferences and media.


Create a fresh identity, reflecting the character of Elena.


We define a fresh identity and personality that reflects your character.

With a survey created especially we specify the values ​​that define her: intense, serene, expressive, natural and creative.
We set a color for each of these values ​​and we capture in proportion through a color bar that ends up being a kind of flag or code.

The handwriting of his name seeks to convey proximity and closeness.
We create a symbol with their initial presentations to apply as a seal.
The violet color refers to the woman as a gynecologist.

Corporate Identity + Comunication

Project partially developed in 2creativo.


  Dra. Elena Ruiz Domingo, Doctor, said about abeldb: