2creativo campaigns

2creativo campaigns

Promotional items of 2creativo, design studio.


Crear un objeto para enviar por correo, algo físico y memorable.
Relacionado con la identidad de 2creativo y con su iconografía.


All elements have the same function, to communicate with our customers.
We generate different pieces for every occasion:

  • Noteolvides: Desktop memo holder.
    To introduce the new online web and recreativo website.
  • Muy Útil + Muy Creativo: catalog of projects, notepad and magnet set with messages.
    To introduce the new identity and set of projects
  • Coaster set New: pack of coasters with messages of admiration and surprise.
    To give at the opening party of the new study.
  • What do these Christmas?: Christmas mailing with humor.
    To congratulate the Christmas.
  • Happy new: Christmas greeting.
    To congratulate the Christmas and as a presentation of the new identity.

Promotional campaign

Project developed in 2creativo
